Wednesday, April 4, 2012

And I can tell you exactly when it happened....

The moment I got old:  when I decided that shirts actually do look better tucked in

The moment I knew I would never go back to school:  the first week after I stopped going to school

The moment I became a true American:  when I mowed my lawn just so it looked better than my neighbor's

The moment I knew I wanted to marry my wife:  first time she agreed to watch Lord of the Rings, then wanted to watch the second and third

The moment I knew I was strange:  met Charles Frantz

The moment I hit rock bottom:  drank three cans of pepsi and a bag of bugles in English class during food day

The moment I started hating myself:  started blog


  1. Funny, true, funny, sweet, sure, funny, sad.

    Perk Up Charlie, your blog just got a comment from an avid reader

  2. Haha, great. That makes me feel good. I think I partook in the bugle thing as well, and it was also my rock bottom.

  3. You definitely did. I'm sure it was as it was a grotesque display of unnecessary gluttony. I don't think I could handle something like that now!
